Config Files
Component | Default Config | User Config | Notes |
i3 / i3-gaps | /etc/regolith/i3/config | ~/.config/regolith3/i3/config (global override) | i3 config partials live in /usr/share/regolith/i3/config.d |
Xresources | /usr/share/regolith-look/default | ~/.config/regolith3/Xresources | ~/.Xresources is also loaded but intended for properties that may also be required in other desktop sessions. |
Bar status indicators | /usr/share/i3xrocks/conf.d/ | ~/.config/regolith3/i3xrocks/conf.d | Each block has it’s own file. Filename determines ordering. |
Picom (Compton) Compositor | /etc/regolith/picom/config | ~/.config/regolith3/picom/config |
Adding an i3 config file in
will essentially override all Regolith configuration including Xresources and looks.Zuletzt aktualisiert am