2.2 Release Notes

Regolith 2.2 is a minor release focusing on bug fixes and Ubuntu 22.10 support.

New Features #

  • Ubuntu 22.10 (kinetic) support
  • Wallpaper may be changed in regolith-control-center on Ubuntu Kinetic and Debian Bookworm.

Bug Fixes #

  • i3-swap-focus now available as released in 2.1
  • Numerous fixes and polish added to ilia

Known Issues #

  • No localization for ilia

Changelog Delta from Regolith Desktop 2.1 to 2.2 #

Changes in regolith-session: #

0ce56b5 Remove no longer shipped file
eb699d6 Depend on virtualized config ui package
c15ced1 Move default ui packages from default look to flashback session since default doesn't need to be installed
82424f8 Revert changes to Xsession. Due to field variance ilia will manage app path list external to XDG_DATA_DIRS
7262b91 Consistently specify search path for xres loading
0047f4d File checks allow symlinks. Address https://github.com/regolith-linux/regolith-desktop/issues/732

Changes in i3-wm: #

39afa033 release i3 4.21.1

Changes in i3-gaps-wm: #

a8546a08 release i3-gaps 4.21

Changes in regolith-i3-config: #

7c0663c Fix dep decl for retired package
321220f Virtualize control center bindings to support both upstream and regolith-control-center
9acba1a Add work around for border issue https://github.com/i3/i3/issues/5149
72045f8 Add padding to workspace indicator on bar for simple looks
7865f93 Simplify font spec in i3 workspace label. Allow xres override of bar font to address https://github.com/regolith-linux/regolith-desktop/issues/730
b1cf838 Allow resize increment to be specified via xres. Address https://github.com/regolith-linux/regolith-i3-config/issues/11
3deafab Change float modifier due to change in gtk4
cfe26d7 Fix keybinding comment for swap focus

Changes in regolith-look-default: #

2f1ab33 Add border around ilia dialog for better contrast
c2cb660 Remove recommends from default, moving upstream so avoid issues when users do not opt to install the default look
0577cbe Simplify font spec in i3 workspace label. Allow xres override of bar font to address https://github.com/regolith-linux/regolith-desktop/issues/730
deba53b Add conflicts to prevent package install failure
ff98eb4 Decompose look and loader script for cleaner dependency. Use virtual package for resource loading to generalize between x11 and wayland
1942cee Added support for wayland

Changes in regolith-look-extra: #

3c35ea5 Add border around ilia dialog for better contrast
fa39ffe More color mapping fixes
e5e786b Fix missing color specs
add5508 Simplify font spec in i3 workspace label. Allow xres override of bar font to address https://github.com/regolith-linux/regolith-desktop/issues/730
408fa51 Cleanup dependencies to default look
f3da9b9 Fix package metadata for regolith-look-2 virtual package, found by Matt Fischer
c3076f0 Make gruvbox i3xrocks values a brighter color
e0e049a Fix paths to compositor
a7018ec Decouple picom from looks. relates to https://github.com/regolith-linux/regolith-look-extra/pull/8
f70c4de Remove picom as a dependency of Nord and Nevil looks
632c175 updated Debian package metadata to install moka-icon-theme
1287be9 Add missing regolith-look-ayu-mirage look to debian packaging

Changes in i3-next-workspace: #

e886bf5 Predicate list building on presence of seperator character. Attempt building from anon workspace

Changes in regolith-i3xrocks-config: #

c524c6e Remove floating flags for gtk4 breaking change in regolith-control-center
963c2b8 Add scrolling as inputs to media-player (#141)
425fe9e Try to use bluetooth device alias instead of name (#142)
f3e9e48 Depend on netcat-openbsd due to bsd specific options used.  Address https://github.com/regolith-linux/regolith-desktop/issues/635
e7d7c3f volume: extract toggle, volume_up, volume_down functions for easy rebinding (#140)
7ec4e6c Exit 0 if network device unfound to avoid spamming logs
659f13e Fixed volume and microphone mixer_value to display values below 10 and (#137)
2d09694 Rename install file for tailscale (#138)

Changes in regolith-ftue: #

b8255d6 Add missing dependency

Changes in regolith-compositor-compton-glx: #

7980eb1 Allow config to be specified by Xres. Relates to https://github.com/regolith-linux/regolith-look-extra/pull/8

Changes in regolith-compositor-picom-glx: #

ee673f1 Allow config to be specified by Xres. Relates to https://github.com/regolith-linux/regolith-look-extra/pull/8

Changes in ilia: #

fe610d8 Fix unicode support in tracker
936ef27 Fix all page mode cursor navigation
1634bfc Fix inconsistent widget focus init with new page function
1359f9b Remove async icon loading to fix intermittent missing icons.
0612d2c Revise app launch logic based on available APIs on focal
bb5549e Implement emacs and vim key nav.  Misc cleanup
f9defff Add version param
27b4682 Refactor app launching to use a context to track launch status.
0ed7873 Add slight border to window in cases where background does not provide contrast
164b0a6 Experimental change to app dialog to delegate to glib for desktop app source. Better local performance
3a8ced2 Follow symlinks to desktop apps. Misc cleanup
881358d Add flatpack dir to scan for desktop apps to address https://github.com/regolith-linux/ilia/issues/49
675c63d Add snap app dir to default paths to enable firefox to be found on kinetic
d1573ff Update version in build. Do not sort textlist entries. Add flag for no icon in textlist.
6e4de4a Update selection logic to address https://github.com/regolith-linux/ilia/issues/44. Misc cleanup
4683479 Simply use URI to launch selected app from tracker page. Address https://github.com/regolith-linux/regolith-desktop/issues/716
f9eacc0 Move from XDG_DATA_DIRS to dconf source for desktop app paths
f1dd370 Ignore i3bar explicitly with looser filter
d151347 Include windows in window list containing empty value for 'window_type'. Addresses https://github.com/regolith-linux/ilia/issues/43
753160d Close dialog on selection for tracker page. exit regardless of error state in desktop app and tracker pages. Address https://github.com/regolith-linux/ilia/issues/39

Changes in xrescat: #

bd6a6cb Add virtual package regolith-resource-loader for future wayland support