3.1 Release Notes

Regolith 3.1 Release Notes #

Regolith 3.1 is a minor release focusing on Ubuntu 23.10 support and bug fixes.

Features #

  • Ubuntu 23.10 (Mantic) support
  • Debian Testing support for Wayland session
  • i3-next-workspace ported to Sway
  • regolith-control-center rebased from GNOME 45 (for supported disto releases)
  • Sway session promoted from alpha to beta status

Installation Instructions #

Follow the standard installation instructions, but substitute testing instead of release-3_0. For example, this is the apt line for Ubuntu Mantic:

echo deb "[arch=amd64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/regolith-archive-keyring.gpg] \
https://regolith-desktop.org/testing-ubuntu-mantic-amd64 mantic main" | \
sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/regolith.list

After apt upgrade is complete, verify that Regolith 3.1 is installed by:

$ cat /etc/regolith/version 

A reboot is required for the new version to load.

Changelog Delta from Regolith 3.0 #

Changes in regolith-control-center #

8545068e7 chore: add Regolith-Wayland in OnlyShowIn
08a8514db fix: disable whoopsie for debian compat

Changes in regolith-displayd #

aa3d572 fix: cannot reenable monitors
c4ebc88 fix: disabled monitors should reflect in mointors instead of logical_monitors
5cdb6df feat: add support for builtin monitor

Changes in regolith-i3xrocks-config #

320980c fix: relax dependency on control center.

Changes in regolith-session #

dafa3b7 fix: add (soft) dependency to xdg-desktop-portal-regolith due to gnome 45 interop issues.
1a1c5e0 fix: set XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP, overriding previous value if already set
8f5da99 fix: set XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP for wayland session (fixes screencasting)

Changes in regolith-wm-config #

ea53b18 fix: make all non-root config partials soft dependendencies for more flexibility
6bd920a chore: rename resources namespaced in regolith.clamshell.* to wm.clamshell.*
04eee9b feat: implement clamshell functionality for sway
db38632 fix: force removal of deprecated ilia integration package
7f1bae9 fix: enable carry mode in childe
b9d42e8 fix: prevent broken legacy package from remaining installed for next-workspace
6992986 fix: properly segment i3 and say versions of next-workspace partial
b36e821 feat: add next-workspace feature to sway session, copied from x11 i3-next-workspace
6356077 [15_base_launchers] add vm.program.browser
a777246 [15_base_launchers] add vm.program.terminal
9b1706d Move default-style to soft dep for both sessions.  demote 3 more for sway session to soft per PR feedback
d21c32c fix: remove (redundant) hard dependency from sway session to rofication. Soft dependency comes via regolith-wm-config.

Changes in sway-regolith #

75311f9a update patch filename for consistency
b94bd17b fix: do not ship wallpaper, provided by sway-wallpaper package
6e56e53f fix: remove git versioning and fix c warning to appease debian builder on mantic
8dd63940 feat: upgrade packaging to sway v1.8.1
2a2e3b93 fix: include wl_protos_src in sway_sources
9160dab1 feat: apply patch for dbus tray menu
34f5363c Applied patch for regolith compatibility
227ac44a debian: import packaging from v1.7

Changes in sway-audio-idle-inhibit #

162c01f chore: bump libwlroots dependency version

Changes in trawl #

dfcabfb chore: pin zvariant version to 3.4.1

Changes in xdg-desktop-portal-regolith #

* Initial implementation, forked from `xdg-desktop-portal-elementary`.