Config Files
Config file quick reference
Component | Default Config | User Config | Notes |
i3 / i3-gaps | /etc/regolith/i3/config , /usr/share/regolith/i3/config.d | ~/.config/regolith3/i3 | Extend Regolith2 config by creating config.d and partials in the user config dir, or globally override it by creating config . More |
Xresources | /usr/share/regolith-look/default | ~/.config/regolith3/Xresources | ~/.Xresources is also loaded but intended for properties that may also be required in other desktop sessions. More |
Bar status indicators | /usr/share/i3xrocks/conf.d/ | ~/.config/regolith3/i3xrocks/conf.d | Each block has it’s own file. Configs loaded in filename alphabetical order. More |
Picom (Compton) Compositor | /etc/regolith/picom/config | ~/.config/regolith3/picom/config | More |
Adding an i3 config file in
will essentially override all Regolith configuration including Xresources and looks.History
Config partials
Regolith 2.0 adds support for config partials, as this feature came to i3
recently in 4.20. This is done by includes. This support for includes enables Regolith 2.0’s use of the package manager to add or remove default configuration partials. By installing and removing packages, i3 configuration can be customized for specific preferences while still allowing to track upstream changes for aspects of the configuration that need not vary.
The root Regolith configuration file at /etc/regolith/i3/config
loads partials like so:
# Include any regolith i3 partials
include /usr/share/regolith/i3/config.d/*
# Include any user i3 partials
include $HOME/.config/regolith2/i3/config.d/*
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