Archive URL change for upcoming v3.3 release

Archive URL change for upcoming v3.3 release

February 1, 2025·Khosrow Moossavi
Khosrow Moossavi

For the Regolith v3.3 release, the host name of the URL from which apt pulls packages as well as the structure of package archive repositories have changed. The new hostname is In order to update to Regolith v3.3 and get fixes and upgrades going forward kindly update your apt configuration.

The old apt URL:

deb [arch=amd64] noble main

The new apt URL:

deb [arch=amd64] noble main
          |                                           |      |      |     |
          |                                           |      |      |     * Repo Component
          |                                           |      |      * Distro Version/Codename
          |                                           |      * Repo Suite
          |                                           * Distro Name
          * Architecture
All other aspects of the package configuration remain the same including the key used to verify packages.


amd64The 64-bit x86 architecture
arm64The 64-bit Arm architecture

Distro Names

ubuntuThe Ubuntu Linux Distribution
debianThe Debian Linux Distribution

Repo Suites and Components

Regolith StageRepo SuiteRepo ComponentDescription
ExperimentalexperimentalmainStage for testing experiments
UnstableunstablemainStage for early development testing
TestingtestingmainStage for late development testing
Release X.YstablevX.YStage for specific official release
Current ReleasestablemainStage for latest release (floating from release to release)

Distro Version/Codename

These labels are determined by their respective upstream communities. Examples are noble, bookworm, focal.


DescriptionAPT Line
The 3.2 release of Regolith on Ubuntu Jammy for amd64deb [arch=amd64] jammy v3.2
The latest release of Regolith on Debian Bookworm for amd64deb [arch=amd64] bookworm main
Testing repo for Regolith on Debian Testing for arm64deb [arch=arm64] testing main
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